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Unveiling the Truth: TAMALE - The Presence of Tamil Influence

  History of Tamale; Presence of Tamil Influence by Tamil Food History Unveiling the Truth: TAMALE - The Presence of Tamil Influence If you have big dreams about traveling around the world but you are someone who always love eating Tamil food, chances are less that you will find restaurants that serves Tamil food to satisfy your cravings. So...what to do? A historian, Tamil researcher and a writer Dr.  ஒரிசா   பாலு  (Dr. Orissa Balu) suggests going to a Mexican Restaurant instead.  Here you can sit down and fully enjoy the combination dishes most visibly and tastefully similar to our Tamil food in different names.  For example: You will find soru (rice), murungai (moringa), karamani (black eyed beans), chicken kuzhambu (mole), chutney (salsa), Thengai Barfi (Cocados), Kadala Mittai (Palanquetaa de Cacahuate - simply Mexican Peanut Candy) and most importantly ‘wraps’ wrapping meat and vegetables steamed until cooked. One such wrapped ancient food is TAMALE. ...

Does what you eat influence your health?

History of Tamil Food

Food is the original medicine. 

Research shows that the food you eat is among the most significant factors affecting your genes and pushing them toward cancer.

That is, what you eat can either prevent cancer and other chronic illness or help cause them.

Confused? I will explain you how food you eat acts as a messenger to pass the right information to your genes and how you can use that knowledge to create vibrant health.

  • The food you intake everyday gives your body the "information" and materials they need to function properly. 
  • If you don't get the right information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health weakens. 
  • If we eat too much food, or food that gives our bodies the wrong instructions.
  • We can become overweight, undernourished, and at risk for the development of diseases and conditions, such as arthritisdiabetes, and heart disease
  • How you eat now tell your genes what type of body you want to have later.

In simple words, how your body looks, feels, functions depend mostly on what you put in it. Keep in mind, your body needs minimum amount of RIGHT FOOD to function properly.

Now that you may have a question for me: 

What constitutes a Food as Medicine diet?

Well, the answer is known to most of us. An adequate intake of water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, minerals, vitamins and nutrients.  

Putting the right fuel in to your body to make sure your internal engine is running smoothly. 

Every meal that you consume influences the way you are. It is all about you choosing the right foods, remember the more right foods you choose more healthier you will be.

In my next post, I will add the alarm foods that you may avoid. 

How do you put the healthy way of living into practice?

In reality, we have shifted away from the natural remedies. The consequences are rates of obesity and chronic diseases like thyroid, diabetes etc. are increased significantly.

Detoxifying your system may take a bit of time, patience and lots of effort. 

But isn’t worth it? 

The process and the journey are as important as the final destination.

Once you start cleansing your body, DO NOT stress too much. Move slowly away from your unhealthy habits and toward health-promoting foods.

At the end of the day, remember how great you feel. Try to keep that feeling in you and boost yourself to achieve more.  Please decide what works for you, and you try it.
